Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Living large in the dusty recesses of my mind

I make no secret of the fact that I'm easily entertained. Just ask my wife, my kids, and my best friends. I'll fade away because I saw a neat bug walking on a branch, or any bug really. I've been known to completely miss other things because I was watching water drip over the corner of concrete. Yup, that's me. I say it's because of my imagination and that I'm inspired by everything around me. My best friend says I'm nuts. Ah, well, at least I'm keeping myself busy.

Truthfully, learning to see more than the surface is a skill. I'm not saying we all have to be like the dogs in the movie "Up," and swing around at every squirrel, but I do suggest that we all take the blinders off and enjoy what is around all the time. Watch those ants, play along with your children, let the big-important adult stuff fall away and have some fun. That is allowed, you know. We can play, even when we are as ancient as dirt (at least, that's what our kids say). Test out those giant rubber Hulk hands and see if you can actually punch down a tree! Eh, couldn't hurt...

Sometimes I wonder if all us writers are so easily entertained? I suspect so, since we are constantly throwing out hooks for ideas. Also, vast imagination is a plus. But, I love being able to completely lose track of time as I study an ant hill, or lay back and call out the shapes of clouds (an activity my wife and I share and enjoy). Times like these are relaxing and take the rat-race out of life. Well, it's a thought.

Try it out and find yourself an ant hill to enjoy!

- M

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