Monday, June 24, 2013


Excitement is a funny thing. I finished the rough draft of the sequel to The Faerie Legacy and was thrilled to high heaven. It was like graduating high school all over again. It's that way with every book completion. Anyway, that thrill lasted exactly two days. *sigh* It seems that we humans just don't like to stay excited.

Anyway, it's a bright new week and the world is our playground. "Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way!" (copyright Dr. Seuss)

I guess I'm still a bit giddy from finishing the rough draft after all. It's so wonderful to watch a story develop and blossom right before your eyes. And the most incredible thing is putting a scene together and watching the characters frolic through it. Of course it's all the writer's imagination, but sometimes it feels like watching your very own movie. Trust me, it's totally awesome.

So, excitement burns bright again. We humans love to bring joy back to the forefront, despite circumstances. So, I guess I'm just rambling today, but I hope nobody minds. All told, I've had a fine day today, and I wish you all the very best.

- M

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