Monday, November 6, 2017

Living another person's life...

An incredible aspect of stories is how audiences are given the opportunity to live another person's life through the tale. It's pretty incredible when you think about it. What I find particularly noteworthy is how we aren't limited by time, place, gender, or species. I've loved being a rabbit, dragon, spaceman, alien, and many different historical figures. How else can we enjoy such travels? It's incredible.

Beyond the escapism of being someone else, don't forget the teaching aspects. We learn a lot by watching other people's lives, even if it's only a story. I'm not talking about directly instructing the listener, but showing the actions and consequences. Let life speak for itself, and hopefully we'll pick up the important things about it.
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Finally, when we experience another viewpoint, the entire world shifts under the new eyes. We broaden our perspectives, learn new cultures, and grow new appreciation for the universe we inhabit. I think it's one of the most important aspects of stories, and the biggest reason why they remain important everywhere in the world. In a sense, stories are the breath of life.

- M

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