Monday, May 1, 2017

Ah, vacation ... followed by, uh, work ...

It's always difficult to leave something fun for anything less amusing. That's how it feels when you come back from a vacation and step back into your less-comfortable shoes and go to work. Not that work is a bad thing by any means--I like having money to pay my bills and put food in the refrigerator. Yet, it's always a bit of a culture shock to return to work after a wonderful vacation. One aspect about our personalities that makes me giggle is how if our "vacation" was actually our "work" then it would cease being fun and turn into a job. Curious isn't it?
image credit
The trick, of course, is to change the way you view working. It's been said that if you enjoy what you do, then you won't work a day in your life. Work shouldn't be torture and pain. I wish we could enjoy toil and labor with all our hearts. We've been built to work hard, designed as great machines of production, and feel best when we exert ourselves. We tend to focus on hardships, pain, and difficulty. Change to focus on the joy and pleasure of successful work and it will become an easier thing.

So, with that settled, I'm still stunned at the transition from vacation to work. It's like being hit by a water balloon, then falling down into a mud puddle, followed by a quick crawl through thorns. However you look at it, the process is a tiny bit uncomfortable. Maybe we should just punch ourselves in the face instead? Nah. It's tempting though.

- M

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