Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Why are families so strange?

I refuse to believe that my family is the only odd, goofy, weird, and crazy group of genetically similar humans on the planet. It's become a joke that whenever my parents come in for a visit that the weather turns foul and deadly--true maybe half the time, so pretty good odds actually. My brother flies planes, when he isn't fiddling with horses, and I write stories. Yup, we're just a normal and typical family. Maybe I should have business cards printed?
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There are so many experiences that I remember with terrific fondness, such as the summer vacation to a lake where I basically turned into a walking wrecking ball. Apparently everything I did went gaspingly wrong, just not tragically. They called me, "Thumbs." Yes, I love those memories. Or, when my brother spent a summer working with a group to build a newly designed plane called the "Angel." Perfect name for a plane, actually. I've never since met such a band of strange, odd, and curious people who blended together to create something truly wondrous. We took lots of great pictures, and I got a private plane ride that I'll never forget.

You see, family is far more than the people making it up. There's love and experience and togetherness. I understand how some are tough and harsh, but as the saying goes: we don't get to pick our families. Families are worth the trouble ... even if they are weird.

- M

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