Saturday, March 4, 2017

Make more Tolkien movies, pretty please.

The successes of the "Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy, followed by "The Hobbit" trilogy demonstrates the world has a great appetite for epic fantasy. There are mole Tolkien works available, and even further ones by Christopher Tolkien in the same expansive world. The biggest would come from "The Silmarillion." J.R.R. Tolkien spent a huge amount of effort creating not only the world, but all the stories covering its past. While "The Silmarillion" attempts to tell a cohesive story, it's really more of a series of short tales which a movie could easily latch onto and make real.

I don't see any reason we cannot have single movies within Tolkien's universe. They don't all have to be epically long trilogies. Why not tell the story of the creation of Middle Earth, which is a wonderful scene of creation where it is actually sung into existence. The story of how evil came about and festered is all part of it. Or, the corruption of the elves (hinted at in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, but never explained). There are many, many, many, many captivating stories contained in chunks. Just give us a story within a single movie, and let it be at that.

April Fools joke from the "Skiffy and Fanty Show"
Maybe a resurgence of fantasy movies will happen, as it has with superhero movies. I love a good fantasy story to share with my wife--snuggle time. More than that, I feel fantasy encourages imagination more than any other genre. Anything is possible with fantasy, and it's so easy to capture the attention of any age with mysterious dragons and heroes and villains.

Please, Hollywood, make some more Middle Earth movies! I'll definitely go see them.

- M

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