Monday, March 6, 2017

Blind, with both eyes open. You aren't clumsy ... it's a prankster!

Have you ever walked into a doorframe, despite the fact that you were watching where you were walking? Or, has a wall reached out and smacked you in the face, even though you were in the middle of the hallway? What about tripping over a non-existent rock? It's a mystery, but I'm here to explain it...

My best friends will tell you that I've had plenty of experience with these phenomena, and I'm here to tell you there's a simple explanation. Gremlins.

Back in World War 2, pilots blamed unexpected malfunctions to otherwise perfectly fine aircraft on malicious invisible pranksters they named "Gremlins." Unexplained malfunctions plagued pilots, and made airplane mechanics scratch their heads. Once the planes were back to base, many times there was no cause found whatsoever. Problems just ... appeared.

As I explained about socks vanishing inside dryers, this also is due to a previously unknown creature. Gremlins are invisible, incredibly fast, and prone to fiddle with anything electronic or mechanical. So, what does this have to do with bumping into walls and tripping over your own feet? Well, it's because gremlins also have a powerful local gravity field. You weren't being clumsy, you just fell into their gravity well. Nerdy way of saying you got pulled in. The best response in these situations is to aim a swift kick at the invisible creature and shout loudly.

Trust me, it works.

- M

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