Monday, February 22, 2016

Buffering ... ack! It never ends! Patience ... what is that?

Funny how technology has made us less patient. My loving wife is helping me understand how badly I have raged at the world for buffering when I want unpausing reality. Okay, less nerdy, I'm just getting impatient with waiting for anything. But, am I the only one who sees a rotating wheel of agony whenever a stoplight flicks to red, or when someone pulls out a checkbook at the checkout, or listening to a never-ending presentation? Maybe it's an exaggeration, but there's a point to it. I doubt anybody really likes waiting. It's not in our nature, so we strive to be patient. I fail. A lot.
Impatiens flowers ... I always called them "Impatience"
image credit
Of course, the goal is to have true patience, where you can wait and not be at all mindful of having waited. Or, to let things happen as they may without worry or stress at how it all plays out. I doubt I'll ever master this aspect, though I strive toward it. Hopefully I show small brilliant times of patience, but I find myself apologizing far too often for my liking. It hurts to know I lose my cool when I must wait, and it sure doesn't set a very good example.
And then there are things that are over far too quickly: eating a succulent dessert, a passionate embrace, speaking with a close friend, watching ants build an anthill, the brilliant rays of sunrise or sunset, a favorite song, and on and on and on. We fill our lives with exuberances of all kinds, then find ourselves frustrated when not everything fits into those categories. What's even funnier is most of life ends up aggravating if we approach things that way. Yup, we purposely turn our lives into irritations by being impatient. Who knew?
Thought of the day: "Have more patience!"
- M

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