Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Creative times of wonder.

Er Wang Dong caves
image source: The Daily Mail
There are times when what you are doing startles, amazes, and completely overpowers your senses. It's as though the universe has coalesced into a pure focus of mind-numbing power right before you eyes. I count myself blessed as I've witnessed this marvel personally numerous times. It's when you are sculpting something and it forms the very perfect vision you've had inside, or when you are singing and your voice is the voice of the angels, or a sunset lights the whole of the sky on fire. Words utterly fail the experience. It's heavenly. Otherworldly. Nobody can forget an experience like that.
I've heard writers talk about writing and how it happens and how they do their thing. But, nothing can prepare you for when your own story steps off the page and startles you with its telling. Suddenly you are an observer, watching magic happen through your own fingers. Sure, we writers have a very high opinion of our own work (as it should be since we are banking our futures on our abilities), but this is beyond that. It's incredible and jaw-dropping. To have our own creation surprise us ... amazing!

My hope is for everyone reading this to find in themselves even a single creative spark and let it free. Find something, anything, that you can create and go for it! Let your imagination roam beyond its normal jail cell and find a new place to explore. You'll be better for it, even if nobody in this wide world ever sees it. Even if it's solely for you to take out once in a while, polish it up a bit, and smile at the little bit of silliness you made. Just once. Take the chance. You'll be grateful, I promise.

- M

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