Saturday, August 15, 2015

Children are visions of innocence and escapism

I love watching young children at play. They have no preconceptions about boundaries or possibilities, they just have fun. Tea parties are a great example, because what are they actually doing? They are practicing social behavior with their treasured toys and stuffed bunnies. The incredible thing is these children happily allow us adults to take part and join in on their imagination. That's where the magic happens! We become part of a larger and greater world of pretend, where we are accepted no matter who or what we are. That's why we think of children as innocent, unspoiled, and untouched by darkness.

Another game I keep alive is cloud animals. It's so much fun to lay down and stare at the clouds, though my imagination has more to work with than a child, it still impresses me how creative children are. Space monkeys with shark teeth, or flying dogs, or cats climbing ladders. There's no limit to what a child will see, or blurt out. Try the game with some child you know, and you'll discover what I mean.

But, one thing a child has which no adult can conceive is an absolutely fresh and new look at life. For them everything is actually a new experience, never before encountered. To watch a child go to a zoo and see a monkey, or a tropical bird, or seals, or something as "normal" as an elephant, is incredible. They look with wide eyes, accepting hearts, and pure wonder. I treasure those times, and wish for more of them. I'm sure that grandchildren will offer those moments over and over, so I'm looking forward to that. Until then, though, take the tame to see the world through the eyes of a child.

- M

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