Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Steak & Potatoes

Food is life, but if you must eat why not eat something really good? I suggest steak, a nice big ribeye or t-bone. Pick your cooking style--I prefer medium--and go to work. Add in potatoes and you've got a good 'ole American meal. Sadly I no longer have enough teeth to munch a steak, so I must reluctantly watch as my wife thoroughly enjoys said steak. Ah well, at least I can still enjoy the smell.

I am starting to understand why people become chefs. I mean, I'd love to eat creative meals (with nicely small portions) that taste fantastic. My new mantra is to eat less, but eat more flavor. After all, we all want to lose weight, so why not eat what tastes great? Most Americans go for quantity over quality, but it's far better to eat less and munch slower. Yup, I'm now giving dieting advice. Eat slower, eat less, and you'll enjoy what you have a lot more.

Perhaps I'll dig into some cookbooks and find a few recipes that I like. My main problem is the amount of time it takes to get everything ready, and the number of dirty dishes created. I can follow a recipe (I've even made Quiche Loraine) but it's not as quick and easy as television shows make it out. The good thing about learning to cook is that you'll never be truly hungry, because you can make a meal yourself (heh, learned that from Ratatouille).

- M

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