Saturday, February 28, 2015

Honesty, truth, and doing what you promise

One thing that has been ingrained in me since childhood is the importance of honesty. In all things, because even the little things are important. I believe it is the singular facet of personality that displays integrity to anyone willing to look. Hopefully I've helped pass this on to my children. As the old saying goes, "Your word is the only thing nobody can take from you." Like all sayings, it's a bit trite, but the meaning is well meant. Honesty is yours, and only yours to lose.

We all see evidence of the results of honesty and dishonesty all around us. It's tough to trust people--which is why lawyers and such are making such a great living. We have waivers for everything now, mainly because both parties want to cover any liability. How much simpler life would be if we could completely believe whatever someone agrees to? It sure would be an easier world. Thinking about it makes me yearn for the days of "Leave it to Beaver" or "The Andy Griffith Show." Calm, simple, easygoing ... tranquil. In this ever more automated and driven world I long for times of long Sunday afternoons, lemonade stands, and Summer breezes.

Maybe we can encourage a better world by being more honest with each other. Sure, people may misuse our honesty, but ignore those pests and keep a bright eye about you. It's worth it. With a bit of persistence, we can make at least our own little part of the world better. Try it, I'll bet you'll like it. It's neat seeing trust in someone's eyes reflected back at you. You'll quickly find you want that to happen all the time.

- M

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