Monday, July 8, 2013

Reality TV

Reality TV represents what kind of story exactly? I'm not entirely sure. Our society has completly embraced the concept (at least, if the TV listings are any indication). I've seen my fair share, and I admit to enjoying many of them--Duck Dynasty yeehaw!

Anyway, I was thinking about how the stories are created. I'm guessing that there are a huge number of hours that get edited down into a single show. Just editing causes a story to form. My opinion is that most of these shows end up being harsh and antagonistic, or at least argumentative. Sure, that produces conflict, but is conflict good by itself? Apparently so, since these shows are everywhere.

So, what stories do these tell? It sure doesn't reflect "reality" in any way, despite the label. I think that what these shows do is tell the story the producers find the most snappy--something that they think is catchy, or hot, or so startling that people will tune in. It's a direct grab for the viewer's attention. But, what sort of entertainment is it? It's generally not teaching anything, and is voyeuristic instead.

Maybe that's why I like Duck Dynasty. As a viewer, I really get the impression that the cast is in on the whole thing and are doing comedy pieces for each show.

What do you all think? Feel free to post comments.

- M

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