Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sitting on a chair, watching the day go bye...

My wife loves to sit outside, especially on the porch, and sew and watch and listen. I'd bet she would happily do that all day long, if she could. I'm not sure how often it happens these days, but when I was growing up it was common to see older folks sitting on their porches and waving to the kids on the sidewalk--then yell at them for getting on their grass. Have we become so time centered and micro-managed that we can't even stop to smell the roses? That's a true shame.

I was busted for daydreaming quite a bit when I was young. I still love letting my mind wander. There's magic in imagination, just as there is in watching children play in a puddle. When did it become wrong to enjoy it? Spending time to take in the world around us should be a priority in life, don't you think? Maybe we've lost the sight to see the magic? Or, is it simply that we can't be bothered? It'd be good to force everyone to take a day off, sit on their porch, and experience a single day of uninterrupted life. I can only imagine the good it'd do for us all.

Children do this spectacularly well, probably because it's new to them and they want to experience it all. Kids are fascinated by ants, and bubbles, and birds, and clouds, and ... well, anything and everything. I don't, however, comprehend what is so great about mud, but every child I know plays far too long and hard in the slimy stuff. Mud pies??? Yuck.

Take a day and find out what you've been missing by being too busy. Live a little.

- M

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