Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Superhero duels. Line them up and knock them down!

With the highly anticipated movie "Batman v Superman" coming this week, I thought it'd be fun to talk about superheroes duking it out. One thing we nerds love to talk about is: who'd win a fight? Comic fans have pitted Superman against Hulk for ages, or Batman against basically anyone, what about Sherlock Holmes versus Columbo (eh, maybe too obscure), or Star Wars versus Star Trek? It's fun to talk about the strengths and weaknesses, compare it all, and argue your point. Mostly its just for fun, but wow do some people get upset about it (sorry, but the Flash will always beat Quicksilver...)
Part of the fun is you get to see how good guys compare against each other, especially since normally they would never fight. Superheroes have such crazy abilities, it's all ridiculous anyway. What you really need are two viewpoints that have nothing to do with each other, and then slam them together so you can watch the fireworks. Debate is good for you, just stop short of punching each other. Then, you can swap to bad guys fighting, because they do that all the time and it's easy.
See how many mixups you can come up with. You can easily spend an entire evening in these mind games, and it's all good sport. It's better than playing board games, because you're coming up with new material and hopefully engaging your brain a bit. Sure, it helps if you know lots about the subject, but don't let that stop you. Some of the best debaters I know have only basic knowledge to work with and it sure doesn't stop them.
Just have a good time with it. Do it for the kids.
- M

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