Thursday, March 17, 2016

Travelling would be so much better with teleporters...

Do you enjoy travelling? Or, do you enjoy being in other places? For me, it's the second part. If I could teleport to where I want to go, then I'd travel a lot. But, ugh, the regular travel time is so painful to me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being with my family and especially with my wife. We can talk for hours and not notice. But, if you're stuck in a car, not able to move around or go to the bathroom, it gets tiring really fast. I'm probably in the minority on this. Driving is considered very relaxing, many people love it (including my youngest), and there are many industries built around it.
Still, wouldn't it be neat to just press a button and poof you're there? Take breakfast in Paris, lunch in Vancouver, and supper in Hawaii. Rather hard currently. And, eating is just a simple thing to imagine. Teleportation would make space travel easy, and same for underwater explorations. Heh, I could even teleport my car keys to my hand--where'd I leave those again?
Before you call me crazy, just think about the insane technology we carry around with us every day. Twenty years ago, cell phones of today would have been unthinkable. I still can't believe the new watches that are very nearly the Tricorders of Star Trek fame. And how about something simple like transition lenses for sunglasses? I bet if you take those simple glasses back a hundred years you'd make a zillion dollars (well, or be set on fire at the stake--people are goofy about stuff they don't understand).
So, get going on that teleporter will ya?
- M

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