Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug ... my thoughts

I took my entire family to see the new Hobbit movie. We loved it. It was entertaining, well done and engaging. As a singular story, it works well. Source material aside, the journey from beginning to end was well thought out, though some of the cuts to the secondary story are a bit jarring. Of course, the highlight of the movie is the dragon Smaug. The scene with Bilbo is changed quite a lot, but I think in a good way. Smaug is mighty, not only in physical power, but mental power. His verbal sparring match with Bilbo is decidedly one-sided and the dragon relishes his position.

Overall, I loved the movie and look forward to owning it on DVD.

Now, on to what I imagine most reviewers will be complaining about. The differences between source material and movie. Yes, there are a lot. Major changes (such as wood elves, with Legolas and company) and confusing changes (such as Smaug chasing the dwarves under the mountain). My guideline has always been if the movie works well on its own. The source should be used, but only to the extent that it makes a good movie. This is, after all, a visual medium and needs to be treated as such. That said, I wish more of the restraint of the book had made it into the movie--especially the part where Smaug pursues the dwarves in the halls of Erebor. It felt almost like the movie was showing off how incredible it was; flamboyantly so. That wasn't necessary.

However, I much enjoyed it. Legolas is a fan favorite, and made sense to make an appearance here (though probably not as a main-ish character). I loved how Peter Jackson was the first person on screen, even briefly, and it was a fun cameo. Mirkwood was incredibly tense, well realized, and awfully dangerous. The dwarves were better this time than before, and were a tightly knit group of characters. Bilbo continues demonstrating a level of courage that is amazing to behold, and feels completely right.

I absolutely recommend The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. Get out right now and see it. You'll be glad you did.

- M

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