Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Avengers assemble! Modern superheroes and lots of fun

I'm a complete sucker for modern superhero movies. The Avengers is a great movie with tons of fun for everyone. Sure, it may not be the deepest story, but who cares? The fun of superhero movies is we get to see humans doing unbelievable things, in an unbelievable way, in unbelievable environments. Does anyone really think about how much destruction any of these fights causes? Nah. Where's the fun in that?

I really doubt there's any superhero movie I haven't seen and enjoyed. Sure, there are degrees of enjoyment, and a few I won't watch again. However, I'm happy to see so many new stories all through our culture. We are in the midst of a wellspring of superhero tales, and the public is drinking it all in with gusto.

Of course, not all superheroes are made equal. I've absolutely no idea why some are popular and some aren't. Like why is Superman more popular than the Blue Beetle? I'm sure there's some psychological multi-syllable words that explain it, but I don't know any. What I do know is we love superheroes and can't get enough right now. So, get out there and take your best shot. Maybe your story will be the very next to shout out, "Avengers, assemble!"

- M

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