Thursday, April 12, 2018

Movie review: The Greatest Showman

The musical, "The Greatest Showman" is one of those rare pieces of entertainment to dwells both in reality and fantasy. I admit that I had very little interest in the movie, so when my daughter wanted to watch it, I went along without much interest. However ... within mere minutes, I was dazzled by the production, the incredible transitions between scenes, and, of course, the music. Sure, there's nothing especially genius about an assortment of pop ballads, but wow is it engaging!

I love musicals, so I have no excuse for putting this one on the back burner. The story is about P.T. Barnum, the acclaimed head of the travelling circus. I know a bit about the history, but this movie isn't even pretending to be a biography. Instead, it's a story about imagination, hope, and faithfulness. Amazingly, it follows the "Hero's Journey" outlined so well by Joseph Campbell, so the story is very satisfying.

What's especially wonderful is how magical the movie is. The sets are sumptuous, the visuals arresting, and it begs to be seen on a massive screen. As I watched, I felt myself yearning to step through the image and dance along with the characters. The experience is thrilling. I loved it. The songs are great and I got exactly what I yearned for: sympathetic characters, in larger-than-life situations, who push beyond failure and find success. I loved it and highly recommend seeing "The Greatest Showman"

- M

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