Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Swim like a fish and drift like a jellyfish

Swimming is something I've done most of my life. Some of my earliest memories are of swimming in public pools (either that, or I'm imagining things, which is completely possible). Besides being marvelous exercise, getting in the water and thrashing around is great for your overall life. Think about it ... water comprises the majority of your own body, so you should really get to know it. Also, you can sink and swim underwater, enjoying the wonders of being weightless.

On the other hand, you can lay back and float on the surface--totally easy in salt water by the way. I think jellyfish have a great idea, drifting with the current to wherever things lead. Although, you won't get anywhere you want to go if you do that, so don't take any life lessons from jellyfish. It's really comfortable though, and I'm amazed how easy you can float in the ocean.

Aside from the obvious quality of cooling you down, why do we enjoy swimming so much? For me, it's because I'm relatively weightless and so my terrible knees don't bother me in the water. Water is a mystery as well, since we really only see what's on the surface and the worlds below are hidden. I've been in submersibles, and I can only imagine life in the depths. Maybe that's why sailors have historically told tall tales of sea creatures? Water is life, wonder, and mystery. Amazing.

- M

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