Sunday, July 23, 2017

Beating the inevitable ending.

Stories end, that's the nature of them. At some point, the final period goes on the last page. Then, it's over. Funny how sad it is to finish a story, yet how exhilarating at the same time. There's always the choice of what to pick next. No matter if you're creating the story, or simply enjoying one, the thrill of encountering something fresh is wonderful.

I find myself reading not only many books at once, but various genres, and styles. Shakespeare and Tolkien don't necessarily mix, but it's sure fun to try. At the least, exposing yourself to lots of variety keeps you flexible. I think too many people stick with only what they know they like and never experiment at all. Give it a try--who knows, you may discover a new love.

Life is like that too. Sure, there's an inevitable end, but why focus on that? Try new things. Like some. Hate some. Love some. Sure, life isn't a story, but it's far more rewarding in the end. Hokeyness aside, give your life variety wherever you can. I suggest reading a lot more...

- M

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