Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Allergies are unkind.

I think nature actively hates me. I somehow am allergic to almost anything that grows--including grass dust. This brings me to another one of my theories. You see, I think there's a connection between how much we run around outside and getting sick from it. When I was a kid, I was outside all the time and loved it. I rolled in straw, ate pebbles, played in mud puddles, and generally frolicked with great aplomb. Now, I'm an indoor hermit and nature hates me. There's a connection.

Okay, I'll admit it's not much a theory as it is pretty much fact. What I wonder is how it happened? When did my allergies cascade to such a level that I can't be outside very much anymore? I still love the outdoors. I enjoy going for walks with my glorious and adorable wife. I want to lay out and watch the clouds roll bye. I'm sad to lose those things. Being indoors too much does hurt your ability to survive in nature, especially regarding your immune system.

We need to get out more. Living indoors is nice and wonderful, but it's reducing our bodies into pathetic jelly globs. Don't let yourself get like me. Get out there and run, play, drink in the sun and strengthen your bodies! You don't want nature to hate you too.

- M

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