Monday, June 5, 2017

I'd do anything for a smile.

Women often ask, "Why'd he do that?" Sure, men will show off for accolades, but a lot of the time it's because they want to get a smile--particularly from their special love interests. Smiles are more than beautiful; smiles are floodlights of magical radiance. When someone smiles directly at you, there's delight and surprise in equal measure. Once you've experienced it, you'll want more and more.

It's been said that any face sporting a smile is beautiful. I heartily agree. Sure, some people are better at smiling, but each smile is worthy. I don't understand people who refuse to smile. It's like they're angry at the world or trying to impress with their solidity. Smiling is friendly, happy, social chocolate. The ability to smile demonstrates more than simple ease, but a willingness to enjoy the company of others.

Why do we smirk at something funny? Why do we smile when we see friends from our childhood? Why do we smile? I submit it's a hearty mix of emotion, fun, care, and enjoyment. Sure, some smile are fake--"wolf smiles"--but, we know the difference. True smiles beam with powerful joy. In many cases, a smile is all the payment people want. So, do your part today, give a smile.

- M

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