Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Radio controlled submarines, planes, and drones.

At this point, we all know about drones flying around with tiny cameras, showing views of the world we rarely experience. Radio controlled devices were initially invented in 1894, by a physicist named Oliver Lodge, but didn't really see the light of day until Nikola Tesla crafted a little boat in 1898 that operated by radio control. I first understood the principles when I watched a boy drive his radio controlled submarine in a lake. Fascinating. Magical. Then, my father took my brother and I to watch the local RC club flying their model airplanes. Wow!
While I've never had one, they sure look like fun! Find it here.
Now, there's all kinds and all sizes. Various navies drive enormous boats by remote control, jetliners can fly on autopilot, and we're working on self-driving vehicles. Many space exploration vehicles are guided by remote, though are semi-autonomous as well. There's no end to it.

I'm older, but I still love toys. It's fascinating walking through the toy isles and looking at all the gizmos and whizbangers available. But, then I'm also disappointed that such expensive and highly technological items will leave most kids bored after a short time. I miss the days of simple rocking horses and non-interactive games. What's wrong with supplying your own imagination to power the fun?

- M

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