Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Singing in the shower

from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
Do you sing in the shower? Many people do. It's a great echo chamber, so your voice will sound much fuller and richer. Plus, you're in a place where you're virtually guaranteed to be alone. I love singing in the shower, or in the car, or in my room. Pity my vocal chords won't take the strain for long--no, I'm not awful, I just don't have a strong throat. Maybe I can strengthen them somehow, though I've never tried.
Like any kind of entertainment talent, if you're really good then you can find a tasty career using your ability. Or, you could simply entertain yourself, since there's no special rule that you must use it for other people. I'll even bet professionals sing in the shower. It's just a fun thing to do. Hopefully nobody catches you singing, and even worse ... dancing.
I think we naturally try out new things by ourselves. Most people I know dislike practicing in front of others. It's not because of nerves, I don't think, but more about being really terrible at the beginning. Music is especially that way, since we know what it's supposed to sound like and when we're the ones producing it, it's painfully obvious when the sounds aren't good. When my children were young, it was fun watching them learn basic skills. They didn't like being corrected, though eventually realized that teaching does involve pointing out mistakes and how to fix them. It's a blow to your pride to have your errors pointed out, so it's good to learn early that you have to swallow your pride to grow up.
See? All that came from singing in the shower. Go do it!
- M

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