Monday, September 16, 2013

Immersion, jaw grabbing, and heart tugging.

There are some movies/books/songs/paintings that contain the entire world within them. I can hear the song, "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers and be instantly transported to another world. It takes seconds, and my heart beats faster, my mind remembers and I'm somewhere else. The song became popular a second time with the release of the movie, Ghost. I went with my father to see it--one of the many times we went to do something together. Anyway, when we left the theatre we both had the same feeling, but he described it better when he said, "It's like I just left the world back inside there."

What creates that incredible feeling that so very few stories manage? Sure, it's a lot about how we relate to the characters and the setting, but somehow there are stories that go far beyond that and penetrate deep into our consciousness, imbedding themselves so thoroughly that we will never forget them. It's magic in a bottle. I've always wondered how it happens, but maybe that's part of the magic? These things come on the whispers of angels and dazzle us beyond words.

I'm blessed that I've witnessed many of these, and seek them out constantly. I've told my children that there certainly is magic in the world, but never the sort you expect. It's all in how you define it, I think. Keep your eyes and heart open. Find those little bits of wonder around you.

You'll be all the better for it.

- M

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