I'm often asked, "Where do you get your ideas?" But, there's a far more important, yet subtle, question, "What do you hope to gain by your writing?" Sure, there's the easy answers of financial success, popularity, and renown, but every writer yearns to make a difference. Writing is simply our chosen method. I think within every writer resides such a powerful desire to affect the world, that they are willing to undertake solitude, self-flagellation, and rejection in their efforts to produce their work. Writing is, after all, a lonely profession.
I mainly write fiction, and specifically fantasy and science fiction. Can those touch the world? Well, I hope so. Stories demonstrate the values we uphold, the truths we believe, and the world we wish we might create. Fiction isn't the only place for these things, but it's what I've always focused on. To me, stories are escapist entertainment, and I want to escape to a place of heroes fighting villains, and good triumphing over evil. It's exaggerated, ridiculous, impossible, heroic, and ultimately satisfying. When I find a great story that puts goose bumps on my skin, then I dig in with both feet and hang on until the end.
So, I hope to improve my world, make people laugh and cry, provide hope and light, and to lift the spirits of anyone willing to read my work. I truly hope to gain all that, simply by writing stories of fantastical creatures, amazing heroes, terrifying villains, and goofy sidekicks. Yup. The right words, said at the right time, can change the world. Deep down, that's why writers write. Maybe, those words will resonate, and then our dreams will come true.
- M