Thursday, September 15, 2016

Simple pleasures

Something I've tried to cultivate in my life is noticing little wonders and curiosities. Flowers, ant hills, clouds, sunsets and sunrises, the sound of water crossing stones. Peace and quiet. Silence. There are times when it's good to sit by yourself and let the world spin on without you. It's a simple pleasure, and increasingly rare to find and even harder to appreciate.

We watch children and laugh at their fascination with ant hills. Yet, why shouldn't they be amazed? The world is fresh and wonderful to their senses. If you take the time to notice, you'll never stop finding amazing things. I wish we could all see the world that way.

So, why is it hard to enjoy the simple pleasures? Do we think it unearned? Or, maybe because it's simple, it isn't good? I'm not sure. Or, is it because we're in such a hurry and can't take the time out of our schedules? Whatever the reason, spend some time and find one thing each day to be excited about. Call it an investment in your future.

- M

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