Friday, April 25, 2014

Irritations! Ack. Those little things that pester us all day long

Ever have that frustrating experience where there's a repetitive noise that you just can't ignore? Like a dog barking, or a fan clicking? Ask my wife, and she'll tell you I'm the first to notice such things, but I've recently been realizing how much of my life is given over to being irritated. And that isn't good. Nobody should be irritated all the time.

One thing I've done is leaving the overhead fan on a lot. The crazy thing clicks like a clock, but I'm training myself to ignore it. So far, not successfully. It drives me nuts, but I think the goal is a good one. Another is that I'm not complaining when lights are left on, or something is shining in my eyes. It's actually amazing how many things are coming to my attention now that I'm doing my level best to clear them away and focus on the really important things.

I think life is a lot like that. There are tons of little cobwebs everywhere, and you have to learn to sort out which ones to clear away and which ones to ignore. Well, maybe not cobwebs, but more like discolorations--something just a little off, but enough to notice. Perhaps it's a part of growing up, and it's a tough chore (for me anyway). I wish life was more like a waterslide: jump in, enjoy the sloshing and splashing, and fall into a refreshing pool of water at the end... then run up and do it all over again.

- M

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