Saturday, August 11, 2018

Timeless beauty.

Standards of beauty are fickle, right? Fashion trends change practically daily, and we are told, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." That's all correct. But, it's also totally wrong. There is timeless beauty around us daily: flowers, sunsets, sunrises, clouds, birds, the geometry of nautilus shells, the pattern of planets around the sun, musical wind, thunderstorms, rain, fresh air. In the eye of the beholder? Who can find fault in the glory of warm sunlight on the skin? That's timeless beauty, and all we need to do is pay attention. Isn't that incredible?

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Why do we value beauty so much? Aside from being pleasant to look at, is there any other reason? Advertisers spend billions on models who strut around wearing products. Movies, generally speaking, feature attractive actors playing the parts. Smiling beauties sell more stuff than frowning ordinary people. There's something in our brains that responds favorably to beauty with an endorphin surge. There's quite literally a physical reaction to beauty. You see this in various ways: pupils dilating, posture straightening, smiles, and a whole host of other responses. Have you ever bent over to smell the flowers? That's a positive response.

And, yet, we go around scoring beauty wherever we find it. Flowers aren't colorful enough, the babbling brook isn't quite the right sound, our hair isn't curly or is too curly, the sunset is too red. Actually, I bet we complain about nearly every aspect of beauty, while simultaneously being jealous of it at the same time. We battle this impulse by acknowledging timeless beauty, that never changes and is always gorgeous. And, there's beauty in actions as well: the warm hugs of family, a champion's graciousness to those behind, the helping hands of rescuers, and the strong shoulders of comforters. When you discover timeless beauty, spend a few moments to cherish the experience. It's well worth the effort and time.

- M

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