Sunday, February 5, 2017

Reading is more important than we realize.

Reading and writing is regarded as a definite sign of an advanced culture. Why? Basically it's because when words are set down in a physical form, they can be studied and reviewed later with utmost accuracy. I've often told my children that if they hear something which seems odd and off, then chase down the source and read it for themselves. There's truth in written words. By learning to read, you enable yourself to make up your own mind about things. Also, reading allows you to step into other worlds of history and fantasy.

Beyond all that, reading engages your mind in ways beyond ordinary experience. Your intelligence grows when you read, your imagination is fertilized, and your ability to understand the world expands. It's inevitable the more you read, the more you think. And, thinking is sadly lacking in our modern society. Plus, you gain fresh ways of expressing yourself, by exposing yourself to new ideas and new words.

Naturally, as a writer, I encourage everyone to read--especially my own books, hint hint, nudge nudge. But, reading is exquisitely important on its own. When something is written, and you read it, then nobody can tell you lies about what it says. You aren't persuaded by illusion so easily. It makes you a better person.

For me, reading is the ultimate escape. I can step through the pages, into a world of wonder and fantasy. Be it science fiction, historical, mystery, thriller, or epic fantasy. I love escaping reality and living somewhere else for a while. It's entertainment. It's fun. And, life is more enjoyable when you don't take it so seriously. Now, go out and read a book!

- M

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