Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The magic of children.

Magic exists in our world. I have no doubt of it, so long as there are children. Children bring an innocent perspective to our world, an expectation of wonders beyond sight, and a love of the unexplained. Why is it that magic tricks are so treasured by little kids? I suspect it's because they want the world around them to be unexpected, surprising, mystical. When magicians make coins vanish, reappear, and change into other things it reinforces that viewpoint. It's the real reason magicians don't reveal their tricks--because if they did it would ruin the mystery, and make it just a talented performance.

Growing up slowly breaks that mystery, as children learn more and more about the world around them. There are fewer unknowns, greater certainties, and less desire to be tricked. I suppose it's a part of adulthood to let go of such viewpoints, but as a writer and highly imaginative person myself I think there's a certain sadness adults feel when they see how completely children enjoy their own make-believe worlds. It's actually a gift, and I think it's a shame how we tell children to grow up so fast.

There's one final magic of children. No matter what we do, what we say, what we imagine... children grow up. They turn into the next generation of adults, and their dreams become the new reality for a younger world. Be careful about crushing the magic of children...

- M

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