Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tribute to children

My precious, lovely, darling children
Children are the future of humanity, the pride of their parents, and the joy of old age. It's impossible to count their value, their potential, and their ability. They are life's great gift, a chance to pass on our values and traditions, and hopefully build a better world. Parent's naturally put their hopes into their children, wanting the best for them, and do sometimes push too hard. It's hard to know when you've done enough as a parent, because doubts always arise.

Despite our flaws as parents, children have inherited the world and done pretty well with it. I find it incredible how often we hear of desperate poverty spawning a splendid genius, or depravity turned into greatness. It's awe-inspiring to see the flexibility of children, their desire to learn, and their incredible motivation to keep moving. One thing about children (particularly the very young), they are always on the move. Trying to stifle such momentum is like putting a stop to the tides, or asking the rain not to fall.

Children should have the deepest love and nurture possible, but many times don't. That's tragic and heart-breaking. I wish I could snap my fingers and change it, but the world is a cruel place. Yet, I find myself walking through a store aisle and hear, "Hey, mister, why are you so tall?" I turn to find a beaming face turned upward, gawking at my size with utmost wonder. How could anyone not smile and laugh? Yes, children are a treasure with no equal.

- M

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