Monday, June 6, 2016

Lightning bugs--childhood magic set free

There is a magical flying insect I grew up calling "lightning bugs," but are correctly termed, "fireflies." If you've never seen one, then imagine a house fly with a tiny light bulb attached to its bottom. The light winks on and off randomly as the bug flies around (usually at dusk and early night). To a child, they're astonishing. Actually, they're more than that. Fireflies represent fantasy and reality combining into one place. Let any child run around and catch them, and you'll witness wonder beyond adult belief.
I love the way children see the world. There's such innocence and purity, but also a willingness to believe anything can be real. Let even a moderately good slight-of-hand magician entertain a child, and the child will tell you how coins truly disappeared and reappeared everywhere at the magician's touch. Lightning bugs are real magic you can hold in your hand, then let go and watch fly out into the night. Then, sit back and watch your whole backyard light up in little flashes!
Tonight I did exactly that. I sat and watched the little bugs light up my yard. I couldn't help but smile. I felt like a kid again. I could have torn my shoes off, rushed through the grass on my bare feet, and caught a whole jar of the curious little critters. I was sorry to break the illusion. Perhaps, one day, I won't need to ...
- M

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