There are few things in life as wonderful as someone who listens without issuing prompt judgment on you. There are even fewer people who do so and love you for it. And then there is only one for whom all judgments pale in comparison. My wife is my hero. She started off as my truest friend of all time, then my deepest confidant, and finally my companion throughout life. She is the wisest person I have the pleasure of knowing, and is as humble as they come. Indeed, God broke the mold after creating her.
My wife has every quality that I seek to learn, has taught me how to listen, and daily shows depth of character that puts me in complete and total awe of her. I treasure her advice, and quickly discovered that when she gives it I'd better pay attention. Despite her impressive nature, she is humble and unpretentious. She is a light to be treasured, followed, and watched. I am blessed to know her, and doubly blessed that she chose me from the vast pool of suitors out there.
Happy 22nd Anniversary, the shortest years of my life.
- M
Happy Anniversary.