Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Love--an emotion, a strength, a weakness, a power beyond compare

Hopefully we all have love in our life. From parents, friends, significant others, spouses, and so much more. It is something that never ceases to amaze me. The power of love overcomes and empowers, but also humbles at the same time. It's one of those incredible human abilities that can't quite be pinned down in one distinct definition. Yes, it's an emotion, but also it's a choice. It happens out of the blue, and it happens whether we want it or not. I think it's the basis underlying our entire world.

There is one thing that I think we all agree about: love is powerful. As a teenager, I remember lying on the floor, headphones plastered against my head, as I listened to song after song about the glories of this thing called "love." Sure, I had my parent's love, and my brother's, but I longed for that life-long love of a wife. Even the longing itself was sometimes overpowering. I thank God I'm married now, and know the love I longed for... but now I realize it was only a drop in the bucket of how powerful my love for my wife is now and it still grows every day. The power of love inspires so very much it can't really be counted.

So, I tip my hat to everyone who still searches. Keep looking. You will find what you long for. It's a desire we all have. And while you search, enjoy those songs and stories that lift up wholesome love for all it's giddy qualities. But, remember, love is lasting and not the brief burst of the frantic flames of infatuation. My wife is my best friend, and always will be, and I pray that for everyone who seeks lasting love. Far more than simple companionship, love is a bond that refuses to break under any strain. Truly God given.

- M

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