Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Twists and Turns

What just happened? Was that real? Wow, I can't believe what just went on!

Yup, I'm talking about twists, surprise endings, completely out of the blue occurences that take your shoes off and slap you over the head with them, and then make you smell your own socks. It's those incredible times when you miss entirely what's coming and gape at the page in utter shock. I think we all can agree that those times are fun beyond belief.

Of course, there are other twists that fall very flat; mainly because we had absolutely no reason to see anything coming. Having a twist should have some purpose, or reason, for it to exist. Without that purpose, it's just a way to confuse readers. I always remember watching Perry Mason with my parents, and I hated the way that good 'ole Perry would inevitably get some mysterious note, make a curious face, and then at the end of the trial he pulls a rabbit out of a hat that makes everything work. It frustrated me that it was practically impossible to guess the ending mainly because of that.

But, take a look at a fantastic twist, like the one in the Sixth Sense. Everything leading up to the ending is plain to see in the movie itself, but a first-time viewer is unlikely to notice any of them. It's brilliant. I especially like how the ending reveals itself with clips from what you've just witnessed. Wonderful. Timeless. Incredible.

I wish I'd written it.

- M

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