Do you enjoy games? I sure do. Be they computer games, board games, puzzles, mysteries, or anything else I can find. Imaginative games are especially fun, although I do love good strategy too. Kids and adults treat games differently, sometimes wildly so, especially in regards to victory. Children mainly want to understand how to play, have fun, and perhaps win. Adults are either completely apathetic to it (playing only because their kids want to) or savagely competitive.
Why do we change the way we play? Does maturity temper fun? Do we need to be "adult" even in the games we enjoy?
I've watched my wife play gams, and am astounded by the way she can totally enjoy herself no matter the game or how well she's doing in it. I do my best to emulate her, but find I'm way too competitive to pretend for very long. Games should be fun, otherwise why bother to play? Actually, games teach good sportsmanship, both in winning and losing. Games are like pretend wars, without the threat of death and harm. Pretty amazing for a game, isn't it? So, why fight so hard to win?
Try playing a game just for fun. Try to win, sure, but don't let it consume you. Maybe there's a bit of child in us all, yearning to have a bit of fun without the worries of adulthood. Take it like a vacation... a vacation from your problems.
- M