My children are growing up, despite my very stern demands to the contrary. Well, fine. I can't say I am at all prepared to give advice for buying vehicles. My experiences over the years are a sequence of questionable decisions, followed by hopeful wishes, and finally pure grace. I'm not a mechanic--not even close--so I frequently drive it and think, "Well, it starts, drives, and stops; must be good." I know a few things, and am good about asking questions. Still, it's easy to be solely concerned about cost.
Well, now I'm back to the beginning. Things have changed a lot since my early days. It's not a simple matter of taking a possible purchase to your mechanic and getting a checkup on it. Sales staff don't leaving the vehicles unattended (for insurance reasons, I understand). I realize a first car isn't likely to last a long time, since cars with high mileage aren't rock solid to start with. Still, we all desire something to last a long time. I don't even want to think about repairs.
But, this is a new learning period for my children. They are stepping out, into unknown territory, and they want a little bit of assurance. It's only natural. I pray I can provide true wisdom, hope, and support. Life is opening up for them. Now, my job is encouragement. I think of it less like an eagle shoving their children out of the nest (so they fly), and more like teaching them to ride a bicycle (running alongside as they pedal and wobble). They'll be okay, with maybe a few bumps and scrapes along the way to keep them honest. It's all for the best.
- M