Monday, November 30, 2015

Discovering music for the first time.

I love finding new music. Sure, I'm hardly discovering it (as it's been published by someone at least), but there's the thrill of finding a new treasure. I've been searching out musicals recently, and found a very fine French one (Notre Dame de Paris) and a sequel of sorts to the Phantom of the Opera (Love Never Ends). There's some terrific music there, even if I don't understand all the words. I find myself often seeking music of longing and loss, because it tends toward the rich and deep rather than auditory abrasiveness.
Music is a language of the heart and soul. It touches a part of us regular language never can, and infuses into our lives without even trying. If math is the language of the universe, then music is the language of everything else. I can't imagine a world without it. I could spend days alone and never know, because I have a century's worth of music bouncing around my mind. Music is as much a part of me as the next breath.
With the various online music sites it's a whole lot easier to find new material. Finding enjoyable new music is a treasure--right up there with finding the perfect skipping stone, or your car keys. I wish everyone had exactly my taste, then I'd always find new music. Sadly, or happily, that isn't the case, and so I muddle through and find the occasional gem. But, since I'm not the only one who matters, music is available to everyone of all sorts of tastes. I'm glad I don't rule the world--it'd be very boring for some, exciting for others, and downright terrifying for most!
- M

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