Saturday, February 21, 2015

Year of the superhero!

Being a comics nerd, I'm excited about this year's movies. There are superheroes everywhere! TV shows, movies, comics are surging again. I love it. The biggest thing about it is that people are celebrating the heroic, and the possibilities, and the courage. As I've long said, we need heroes around us--even if they're only stories. Because, they inspire! We want things around us that make us reach and strive and hope for better.
The funny thing is, I really don't care how good or bad these stories are. I actually enjoy the new Amazing Spiderman 2 movie. Sure, it's not great art, and there are plot problems, but it's a fun story. Take your brain off the hook for a couple of hours and have fun. What's wrong with that? Since stories are a two-way street, with the audience bringing just as much to the event as the author, there is always room for whatever story people want to create. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it makes sense that not everything will be beautiful for everyone.
What's coming up? In the world of movies, there's the new Avengers movie, Antman (yeah, you heard that right), Fantastic 4, Star Wars 7, Jurassic Park World, and a new James Bond (not a superhero, but may as well be). The video game, Assassin's Creed is getting a movie, and so is World of Warcraft. It's a season of gambles, but I think a pretty safe one. We want our heroes, and we don't care how many there are.
Bring on the supers!
- M

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