Saturday, January 17, 2015

Goofy laws... why can't I take a bath with my horse?

Indiana law: Cannot keep a horse in a bathtub
Every state has them. Probably every city has them. I'm talking about laws that make absolutely no sense at all. Usually such laws are remnants of ages gone by, but they are still technically in effect and haven't gone away. In my own state it is illegal to take a bite from another person's hamburger. But, then it is a hamburger and that's right up there with invading my house!
Then there are laws that make absolutely no sense at all, such as an Illinois laws stating it is illegal to speak English. Why it's a law I can't even imagine. California is always fun, especially with movies like one law that requires a pediatrician's approval before even filming a child under 1 month old. Or how about needing a lifeguard's permission to toss a Frisbee on the beach? My favorite is that sunshine is a guarantee in California... glad they made it a law, because if the sun doesn't shine we can sue it!
I'd love to drive in Virginia, where it is a law that you must honk your horn when passing other cars. Fun stuff. Or how about Hawaii, where it's illegal to put coins in your ears. Not sure about that one, but there must have been some strange reason to make that law. Florida has an interesting one in that all public building doors must open outwards (I suppose it makes them all uniform at least).
I think we can all laugh at the silliness of people. I'm sure all these laws were written with true reasons and great severity. People believed in them. But, it doesn't stop them from being crazy and silly. People never fail to amuse me.
- M

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