Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Wow, what a week! We've had presents, snow, rain, and ... flu. The whole family is sick. I've lost 12 pounds, which is understandable since none of us have felt like eating much of anything. Well, except my lovely wife who is typically healthy and looking beautiful. I'm reminded of the old Ren and Stimpy song of "Happy, happy, joy, joy." It just feels appropriate right now.
What an incredible year it's been, and so quickly gone! When I was younger it felt like time crawled past, and now I turn around an wonder what happened to it all--time doesn't slip past, it absolutely vanishes. Age is an aspect I've studied for a long time, especially how perceptions change and the influence those perceptions have on our attitudes. It's been an interesting study. The most important thing I've taken from it is the view of patience. For a youngster, waiting 5 minutes is an eternity, but for an 60 year old waiting 5 years isn't much of a stretch. It's a matter of perspective, and age provides that.
I pray you all have a fabulous finale to this year and a successful 2015!
- M

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