Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weird animals, strange creatures, and untold amusement

There are critters in this world that are so weird it's hard to believe they even exist. Take the woodpecker for instance--why is there a bird that bangs its head into trees in search of grubs? Or how about the platypus? Here's a mammal that lays eggs (mammals normally have live births), has a bill and lives mainly underwater (but, it can't keep its eyes open so it hunts blind), and it has poison toes (normally only seen in reptiles). It's like this creature's sole reason for existing is to toss expectation to the wind and buck the system.

A baby platypus
Mythology contains all sorts of strange creatures as well, and many are somewhat based on reality. I still feel that dragons have some kind of basis, otherwise why are they found in myths all over the world? Also, what about sea serpents? Certainly something brought about the stories. Experts have theories of course, and so do I, but stuff like this doesn't ever seem to be solved. That's fine with me, because, as a writer, I love coming up with reasons and letting my imagination run wild.

Sure, I'm easily amused, but taking the time to learn about these animals expands the world you live within. I thinks it's important to discover such things for yourself, and continue learning. Open your mind to new experiences, new information, and new joys. It's well worth the time and effort, and you'll learn more than you can imagine right now!

- M

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